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OA Distinguished Service Award Early Medallion on Questionable Green Ribbon GA1
375 Tan Merit Badges: Cutdown Squares, Wide Border, Narrow Border; Loose +Sashes
Esselen Lodge 531 C-1 C-2 C-3 Chenille's set # 3/100 3/75 3/25 OBV
OA Lodge 244 Day Noomp P1 on neckerchief
Vintage 1953 Camp Noquochoke Pin Massasoit Council OA 124 Massachusetts BSA
Mixed Lot of 500+ Merit Badges: Types E, F, G, H and I. 330 are off-Sash
2015 OA Brotherhood Centennial Red Sash Order of the Arrow 100th Anniversary
1933 IV. World Boy Scout Jamboree hat Participants badge .
OA Lodge 34 Ko Nosh I Oni P1 on neckerchief
Order of the Arrow Vigil Sash Signed by E Urner Goodman and Carroll Edson
2007 Indian Waters / GA CAR Woodbadge Staff Set Cancelled 87 made (TS623)
Vintage Assistant Scoutmaster Lapel Pin - Small - Boy Scouts of America
1933 IV. World Boy Scout Jamboree Rarer Version hat Participants badge green .
OA Lodge 62 Sioux Flap Texas Boy Scout RC5
OA Lodge 326 F1 FF First Flap
Two Beautiful Square Merit Badge Sashes
Order of the Arrow Ordeal Brotherhood Sashes, Felt-On-Felt and Flocked-on-Felt
26 Square Merit Badges: Weather, Journalism, Foundry Science, Reptile Study, +++
CSP Del-Mar-Va T-1 full states
Camp Sequassen blue on white #1